Core Values

Incubat3's platform comprises of 3 functions related to our 3 core values: OWN, INVEST, and EARN.

Own: Becoming a Stakeholder by NODE Ownership

Ownership is a core principle at Incubat3.

By owning nodes, community members gain not just a stake in the platform but also governance rights, ensuring a fair and transparent experience.

Node ownership unlocks several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Allocation Boosts: Gain greater access to private and public sales.

  • Exclusive Incubation Airdrops: Receive airdrops from newly incubated projects.

  • Node Token Rewards: Earn tokens as a reward for owning nodes.

  • Enhanced Questing Points: Accelerate reward accumulation through boosted questing points.

  • Governance Rights: Influence key decisions and help the direction of the ecosystem.

Each of these perks is designed to ensure that stakeholders enjoy meaningful participation and tangible rewards, reinforcing their integral role in the Incubat3 ecosystem.

INVEST: Fair & Equal Investment

At Incubat3, our commitment to fairness and equality is exemplified through our investment opportunities.

We ensure that all stakeholders, regardless of their level of investment, have access to both private and public raises. This approach democratizes the investment process, allowing every participant to engage in high-potential projects at various stages of their funding cycles:

  • Private Raises: Gain exclusive early access to private investment rounds, offering the chance to invest in promising projects under favorable terms before they reach a broader audience.

  • Public Raises: After exclusive private rounds, we broaden access to investment opportunities, inviting our community to participate in public raises.

Earn: Financial Freedom

At Incubat3, we are committed to empowering our community members with financial freedom through various reward mechanisms designed to recognize and appreciate their participation and investment.

  • Token Rewards for Node Owners: Node owners are rewarded with tokens that provide additional income streams.

  • Incubation Airdrops for Node, NFT, and Token Holders: We distribute airdrops from newly incubated projects to node, NFT, and token holders, aligning their interests with the success of these projects and providing them with a share in their growth.

  • Questing Rewards: Participants earn rewards by engaging in questing tasks, enhancing their financial well-being while contributing to projects on the questing platform.

Through these initiatives, Incubat3 fosters a financially rewarding environment, giving stakeholders multiple avenues to earn and grow their investments.

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