Business Model

Incubat3 employs a multifaceted business model designed to support the platform's sustainability while fostering growth within the blockchain ecosystem. Our business model includes the following key components:

Launchpad (PaaS)

Our launchpad serves as a Platform as a Service (PaaS), facilitating token launches for various projects. We generate revenue through:

  • Pool Creation Fee: Project teams are charged a fee for setting up their fundraising pools on our platform.

  • Success Fee: A percentage fee is applied to the funds successfully raised through our platform, aligning our success directly with that of the project teams we support.


We provide comprehensive incubation services to help develop and launch blockchain projects. Revenue is generated through:

  • Percentage Fee: We collect a percentage of the total token supply from client projects in exchange for our complete incubation services, which include everything from initial concept development to launch and post-launch support.

Questing Platform & Infrastructure

Our questing platform engages the community in promoting and supporting projects. This segment is monetized through:

  • Stable Fee: A flat fee is charged for providing the questing infrastructure.

  • Token Percentage: We earn a small percentage of project tokens distributed as rewards in the questing platform.

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