Calculating Launchpad Allocations

At Incubat3, we are committed to creating a fair investment environment that rewards those who actively participate in our ecosystem.

Our allocation system gives better access to project launches for users who own nodes, and hold NFTs.

This approach supports our goal of making investment opportunities more accessible and encourages community growth.

Allocation Weight Calculation

To ensure that each user’s benefits accurately reflect their contribution to the platform, we calculate the new allocation weight by integrating various forms of participation. The formula used is as follows:

Allocation Multiplier=(1+Incubat3 Node Points+Incubat3 NFT Points)Final Weight=Allocation Multiplier×Original Allocation Weight{\small \begin{aligned} \text{Allocation Multiplier} &= \left(1 + \text{Incubat3 Node Points} + \text{Incubat3 NFT Points}\right) \\ \text{Final Weight} &= \text{Allocation Multiplier} \times \text{Original Allocation Weight} \end{aligned} }


Consider a user at Tier 6 on the launchpad who has staked 1,000,000 tokens, giving them an original allocation weight of 75. Additionally, this user owns:

  • 3 Nodes: Granting them 0.50 Incubat3 Node Points.

  • 5 NFTs: Providing an additional 0.10 Incubat3 NFT Points.

User's Allocation Multiplier Calculation:

Allocation Multiplier=1+0.5+0.1=1.6{\small \text{Allocation Multiplier} = 1 + 0.5 + 0.1 = 1.6 }

Plugging the values into the formula:

Final Weight=100×1.60=120{\small \text{Final Weight} = 100 \times 1.60 = 120 }


The user’s new allocation weight is 120. This represents a significant 60% increase over the original, granting them more access to presale allocations compared to engaging solely through token staking.

Last updated