Which Future Do We Choose?

We envision two potential futures shaped by the evolving landscape of the web3 space. Allow us to illustrate these scenarios:

1 - The year is 2043

Our world runs on AI and technology. Despite the potential for change, the old powers—families, dynasties, and big tech companies—still control most of the wealth and influence. The exciting promises of blockchain and web3 to create a fairer system with equal opportunities for everyone have not been fulfilled. The big market surge in 2024 ended up being a turning point. After that, things started to get worse, not better. Now, most people are stuck in the roles they were born into, living almost like robots. Blockchain was supposed to set us free, but instead, it's been used to lock us down even more.

2 - The year is 2043

We are part of a vibrant society powered by AI and technology where everyone can choose their own future. The market surge in 2024 changed everything, creating new opportunities for investors and leveling the playing field between the rich and the less fortunate. Blockchain and web3 have opened up new possibilities, shining light on areas that were once controlled by just a few. Now, everyone has control over their money and equal chances to succeed. The doors to making money, creating, and building are open to anyone willing to try. The world isn’t perfect and never will be, but we believe web3 can make a big difference, giving power back to the people in social, educational, and financial ways.

The world isn’t perfect, and never will be….but we believe web3 can significantly improve the world we live in, giving power back to the people - socially, educationally, and financially.

The choice is ours, which future do we choose?

Last updated